Dr. Dave Harvey
President, Cowboys For Christ
How would you like to be involved in a ministry that takes the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST to Cowboys and Cowgirls wherever they ride the trails of life?
We would certainly like for you to join us in a very unique and rewarding ministry, and we will help you get started through the power and guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT. Please pray about starting a local chapter of Cowboys For Christ, especially if you are not afraid of a bunch of hard work, long hours and eating the trail dust of service to the LORD.
It will take boldness, dedication and commitment, but the sheer joy of saddling up for JESUS CHRIST is worth the effort and the rewards are totally out of this world.
Contact us about a Chapter Start Up Packet and let’s work together to make a difference in your area to change lives for eternity just as Cowboys For Christ has done for over forty-two years.
The main focus of Cowboy For Christ is to share the GOSPEL to Cowboys and Cowgirls and to those that are drawn by the cowboy image and the cowboy way of life. Cowboys For Christ is one of the very oldest livestock industry ministries and for over forty-two years we have been a leader in proclaiming JESUS CHRIST to the lost wherever they work, play and live. We are a “go to them” ministry that reach out to all aspects of the cowboy world at every opportunity to reflect GOD’S LOVE and reveal HIS wonderful plan of eternal salvation.
Cowboys For Christ is the very foundation of the “cowboy church” movement and Praise the LORD it is really fulfilling a mighty need in the livestock industry. Although we do have “Cowboy Churches” we are still very much a “go to them” ministry that goes to cowboys and cowgirls wherever they are gathering. Once we reach them with the Gospel we hope that they will be a big part of Cowboys For Christ, especially since they are living proof of the effectiveness of this ministry.
Cowboys For Christ has had “cowboy church” for more than forty years all over the nation and even in a few other countries, but it really doesn’t matter what you call it, it’s getting the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST to the lost that really counts. All cowboys and cowgirls need to hear the Gospel somewhere and we hope and pray that many of them will actually hear about JESUS behind the bucking chutes, at the show area, on the trail ride at one of our “Cowboy Church” services or maybe they will just pick up The Christian Ranchman or a Cowboys For Christ tract at a horse sale, state fair or some other equine event. Folks, I hope you are getting the idea of what we are all about and we sure invite you to ride along with us on the trails of the Cowboys For Christ ministry.