Read the latest issue of the Christian Ranchman here.
Read the latest issue of the Christian Ranchman here.
Chaplain Matt Wagner
Read the latest issue of the Christian Ranchman here.
The latest issue of the Christian Ranchman is now available.
The latest issue of the Christian Ranchman is now available.
Happy New Year and may the Lord bless you and yours in 2022! The latest issue of the Christian Ranchman is now available.
Read the latest Ranchman here.
Read the latest Christian Ranchman here.
Dr. Dave Harvey preaching at Iron Mountain Horse Camp
July was certainly not as busy as June, but it was still busy. A bunch of great things are going on all across the country and it looks like August is shaping up to be busy, too. In July we had two great trail ride programs set up by Chaplain Karen Burgoon. On July 9-11 we were at Blowing Rock North Carolina at the Moses Cone State Park with wonderful carriage trails through the mountains of the park. The mountain laurel was in bloom and it was sure pretty and the view of the Smokey Mountains was just spectacular. Saturday morning, we had devotions at the camp and then had a great ride through “The Maze” which is a winding trail through the park. Sunday morning was Cowboy Church in the Grand Stands of the Blowing Rock Stables show arena, which is the home of one of the oldest horse shows in the nation. We were blessed with special singing by Chaplain Karen Burgoon and then I was blessed to share GOD’S WORD to the trail riders on a beautiful NC mountain Sunday.
Two weekends later we were in the Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains at the Iron Mountain Horse Camp in Ivanhoe, VA. A really blessed time of reaching out to the trail riders with devotions again on Saturday morning and then a bunch of great riding on the great trails available. With Blue Grass music on the porch on Saturday evening after a Cowboys For Christ potluck dinner with a bunch of hungry riders and guest. Sunday morning, we were back on the porch of the Horse Camp Headquarters for Cowboy Church with Gospel singing led by Chaplain Karen Burgoon and Kevin Robbins on the keyboard. Kevin and I go back many years, as he was the keyboard player and lead singer for The Messengers that was a big part of the Piedmont Chapter and Cowboys For Christ. It was a very special weekend with family, great friends, great fellowship and great ministry. And this is just what I was involved with, and does not include the many, many great things that were going on all across the country; from rodeo, trail rides, horse shows and anywhere and everywhere cowboys and cowgirls gather.
Bibles, we are just about out of Bibles, but they are on the way. They were supposed to be delivered around July 15, but I have not heard a thing about them, yet. Prayerfully they will arrive soon and we will have plenty to distribute to all of those that are in need of the saving GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST and needing GOD’S HOLY WORD in their lives. We do have plenty of the Gospel of John booklets, so if you need some of them, please give me a call or email. Also, we have plenty of the last issue of the Christian Ranchman, tracts and other ministry materials; so, let me know what you need and let go touch lives for JESUS CHRIST during this very troubled and unsettled times.
Speaking of the Christian Ranchman; it seems that the enemy is trying to shut the mouths of those sharing GOD’S soul saving message, just as he has throughout the ages. The USPS (post office) has decided that the bulk packs of the Christian Ranchman does not quality for “MEDIA MAIL” status and we can no longer ship them at the discounted rate. We are certainly trying to work out a solution, but at this time we must ship them out at the regular mail rate, which is around 60% more postage. Which may not seem like much, but with 154 packs and growing going out, it is a bunch. So, if you get a pack, please make sure you make the most of it and get every issue out to those searching. If for some reason you are not using them, please let us know so we can send the pack to someone that will use them. And if the LORD has blessed you and you want to help with the extra postage, please send in your donation to add to the shipping fund.
Please call me if you need Bibles and I will do the very best to get you some, even until we get the new shipment. Please pray for this nation and for the lost that they will find the SAVIOR. GOD bless you and GOD bless your service to HIM that it will be fruitful to HIS KINGDOM. In CHRIST, Dave